Monday, October 11, 2010

Thanks Giving and music creation.

Here's a new track I'm working on. This time around I chose to go with a sci-fi track to spread the brain across a vast creative canvas. I blame the Turkey. Happy Thanks Giving everyone.

~Corlag the Bard

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Impending Doom v1

With the dabbling of Roc on Aviary behind me, I decided it was time to bite into the real meal, sound editing in Myna (also on

I was trying to think up some things for my book world, a scene of impending doom on a medieval village/town, without much luck in the written format. I decided to try something new for brainstorming, and this was the culmination of my initial thoughts.

It's only the first version of the track, but I feel it's a good bit of ground work for sure. Have a listen to it here.

Cheers and thanks for listening,
~Corlag the Bard

Aviary and the wonders of fiddling with sound

What better way to relax than to fiddle with some sounds in and editor. I was recently introduced to Aviary Music Editor, and decided to muck around with it for a bit this afternoon and see what I could come up with while getting used to what this little tool can do.

This was the result: Ling/creations/looking_through_the_night_lights

I definitely want to spend some more time on it, but first I have to figure out how to extend the length of the track.

More to come,
~Corlag the Bard