Sunday, February 26, 2012

Operation Game Frame: Part 2

Nothing like dreaming up a whole race for a book world and how this race is interwoven with the world they inhabit while trying to sleep, waking up and jotting it all down. The best part about dreams like this, is how empowering they can be, especially when it solves a problem with the world that was causing a bit of writers block.

I'm not sure what I ate the other night, but damn if I don't wish I knew.

Phase 2 of Operation Game Frame has begun. Within a few weeks it will be completed. We are up to a small team of four, but have yet to lock in a programmer. They sure are elusive beasts at times, or rather more to the point, finding one that is not already working on something is the real elusive beast.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

If you're feeling like opportunities are passing you by, make your own!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

With the zeal of a thousand thunder clouds, tomorrow rumbles inevitably forward without a care in the world. What will you do when it comes along the tracks?

I'll be grabbing the bull by the horns and digging in my heels.


Project Game Frame - Step 1: Foundations

I've been working in the games industry for two years now, and have seen more change that I care to admit. With the current instability of large companies, I have been placing a lot of thought on where I want to be in the next five years, and it scares the living shit out of me when I think about working on yet another sports game.

They are amazing in their own right, and I can appreciate all of the hard work that goes into them, but I simply need more. My mind is ablaze with ideas, new ones and old ones alike. I long to see these ideas prototyped and even come to life.

My book has been coming at a much slower pace with all of the things going on over the past two years, but is well on it's way now, and it too pulls at me. It haunts my dreams, gives me palpitations when I see the notes on the desk, and eats at me when I sit by and do nothing in the way of work on it.

It's become increasingly brutal to crack through the barrier of entry for industry jobs at studios in the states with the economy the way it is. At first this was an overcasting cloud, and then things started to rapidly change in the local industry for the better.

A multitude of new titles and studios have appeared and continue to appear in the Vancouver scene, and I've made a great deal of contacts at almost every studio in this city now. I am biding my time, not necessarily as patiently as I should, but until I can make the leap without the worry of looming loan payments, I will simply have to cope with it.

In the meantime, I have taken to video/sound editing, working on the first novel, tinkering with photo shop, and brainstorming and documenting my game ideas. The first step to grasping the future will be a more focused approach to these things, and less wasted time while at the computer. Writing down the goals, dreams, and game plan will be my foundation.

Next up, finding a programmer that is like minded and wants to work on side projects.

Dream big, then wake up the next day and dream even bigger. Don't stop.


P.S. Don't be a dick.