Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And so ends another journey...

And so it ends, PAX 2010 has come and gone, mostly. There is a part of this years PAX that shall remain with me, like a burning flame upon a torch, leading the way into the depths of the next adventure. I had one heck of a great trip this year, and made some great new contacts. I have a project in full swing, a deadline set and burning desire to obtain more knowledge than ever on all parts of the industry.

Listening to Warren Specter speak in the Keynote was surreal in some ways, and in others now that I think about it as I look back at my gaming history, inevitable. Then there was the first QA session that followed with Mike & Jerry. There was a great air about the show this year, and with it being 2010 and all, it seemed appropriate that it was home to many notable announcements, including a marriage proposal during the Q&A session, the Duke Nukem Forever playable demo booth, and the unveiling of Firefall. The Red 5 crew are doing a great job brining a new spin on sci-fi to the MMO scene, and I for one am excited to give this game a whirl. I've been following the development of this new studio since PAX of 2008, when I first met some of their staff at a panel, and have continued to be blown away at the quality of the work, and the closeness to the gaming community that they seem to be striving for. I have seen them at the show each year since then.

It felt more professional overall this year. Every booth I stopped at, had absolutely amazing staff that were all friendly and eager to talk about their games or just chit chat back and forth about the show itself or the industry overall.

Disney Interactive made a huge splash this year at PAX, taking up three major booths. The most notable show floor displays for myself however, was the number of MMO's being shown. EVE, TERA, RIFT, SWTOR, GW2, EON, FIREFALL, AION: Attack on Belaur, Fallen Earth, and more I am sure I am forgetting about at the moment.

Canvasing for questers became a regular thing, checking it while waiting in lines, and collecting almost a hundred new adventurers in my inn, and a great deal of treasure maps as well. That was a great way to spend time in a lineup.

The best of show for mixers definitely goes to CCP yet again, as they never let up on the party surprises. The only thing I think they could have done to top it all off, would have been to show something on either of their two new games in the works. Alas, soon enough they will let fly the gates, and the flood of information will spill out upon us.

The Monday after the show saw a delving into a dungeon beneath the streets of Seattle with the City Beneath the City tour. Great fun that was.

I am glad it's over in someways, but in many other ways, I wish there was a show like this every weekend. The energy is overwhelming, and the satisfaction of fans and exhibitors alike is unparalleled by any other show I have seen. This is our community.

Back to the routine tomorrow, but not on my laurels. Plans are set and things are in motion. I hope to slowly begin revealing more in the coming months, but until then, that bit shall remain buried against its will.

~Robert Ling

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