What to say, what to say...
Well, I guess I can start with what's new and why I've missed blogging for so long. I started up a game studio that is focusing on board games a little while back, and have been crunching hours on it, bringing the first game to fruition with a few friends that I got to know back in Game Design school. We're a small team right now, but we have high aspirations.
There's not a lot I can talk about just yet, but I will say that there's going to be something for everybody with this game, and that it will cater to both casual and hardcore gamers.
Between work as a development support tester at EA currently, the board game studio, and another side project, I have been left with a rather small amount of actual free time which I tend to use for such things as catching up on a book related to game design/writing, watching a movie or a tv show, or splashing around in a game for twenty minutes to keep up on what's new and how playing a game feels still.
Is it all worth it? Personally, hell yes it is. I've never been happier, and I always have something to look forward to. Life is short, we only get one shot, and I plan to do as much with it as I can during my stay. The time that I am spending on things right now, will (the hope is) set me up for the future, and afford me the opportunity to take what I am doing in my spare time and make it my only job, and to move forward with my career. This too will afford me much more free time later on, as I laying the ground work now to make that possible.
It's so critical, in this day and age, to rethink how we do things, and to evaluate the value in what it is we do on a daily basis. Time is our most precious resource, why sell it for cheap to people that don't give a rats ass about you or I? Do something each day that gets you closer to doing what you love to do. Period!
Life is full of opportunity, and change is good. If you are feeling stuck, or feel that what you are doing is a dead end, change it now. Don't wait.
~Corlag the Bard
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