Saturday, January 12, 2013

When It Clicks

There's no greater feeling than when something just clicks, and you are able to hammer through a pile of work without any real effort. I finished up today's quota and then some with relative ease, and am pleased with the progress. It was a gorgeous day outside my window as well, and I happily soaked up the sunshine.
I'm officially into the teens with the chapters now, and am thrilled with how the story is developing.

Tomorrow I'm working more on developing one of my favorite characters, and can't wait to share a bit about her. With that, here is a snippet from Chapter Thirteen.

   The hermit walked toward the lake from his secluded cabin in the forested hills near the Shimmering Tear. The morning was crisp, the sun glistened off the surface of the water and the snow on the ground, and birds chirped in the trees all around him. He soaked it all in, basking in the beauty of a new day. He crested a small hill before the final descent to the shoreline, and stopped in his tracks as he spotted a woman’s body half ashore and half in the water. Small waves from the light morning breeze lapped around her, slowly pushing her up on the gravel. He rushed to her side and checked to see if she was alive. Finding a pulse, he quickly pulled her the rest of the way up onto the shore.
   “Ah, good. I’m not too late,” he said to himself as he worked to resuscitate her.

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